Latest News & Releases of Vanya


Version 0.8.3 Released

  • Milestone release
  • AWS Healthlake integration
  • Google FHIR Store integration
  • Server group feature — assign FHIR servers to one or more groups for easy access
  • JSON copy button — ability to copy formatted JSON for a selected resource.

~ June 8th, 2024   Download


Version 0.8.1 Released

  • Health Samurai Aidbox server integration
  • Improvements to error messages

~ February 21st, 2024


Version 0.8.0 Released

  • Search for resource by FHIR ID or identifier
  • Cosmetic improvements

~ December 2nd, 2023


Version 0.7.8 Released

  • Conformance & validation checks added for all resources
  • Non conformant resources highlighted and reason for non conformance provided
  • Various bug fixes

~ November, 2023


Version 0.7.7 Released

  • Full OAuth 2 FHIR server authentication
  • New menus linking to Integration pages
  • Support for FHIR servers at Azure, HAPI, Medplum, Firely, localhost and more

~ October 8th, 2023


Version 0.7.6 Released

  • Fix to the Mac versions where copy / paste was not working

~ September 23rd, 2023


Version 0.7.5 Released

  • Mac build — Intel and ARM versions
  • Everything in the Windows version is in the Mac version

~ September 14th, 2023


Version 0.7.1 Released

  • Simplified CodeableConcepts and Codings now displayed in the grid
  • All resource grids updated with most commonly viewed elements
  • User Interface Improvements
  • Platform agnostic updates — Mac version coming very soon!

~ September 1st, 2023


Version 0.7.0 Released

  • Milestone release
  • All FHIR R4 resources now rendering
  • UI Improvements

~ August 8th, 2023


Version 0.6.5 Released

  • Syntax highlighting added to the JSON Viewer
  • Meta extensions displayed
  • Binary resource - summary only (base64 data excluded)
  • 15 new resources added
  • Minor changes and bug fixes

~ July 22nd, 2023


Version 0.6.4 Released

  • New JSON tab added for all resources

~ July 18th, 2023


Version 0.6.1 Released

  • Better handling of nested extensions
  • DeviceDefinition resource added
  • Framework upgrades

~ July 12th, 2023


Version 0.5.4 Released

  • Improvements to results grid navigation
  • Resource links to versions added
  • Minor bug fixes and resource changes

~ May 28th, 2023


Version 0.5.3 Released

  • Redesign of the home screen
  • New dialogs for adding and editing servers
  • Expanded resource details on row click

~ May 6th, 2023


Version 0.4.3 Released

  • Recent resources list changed to 10 resources
  • Ability to add custom headers

~ April 26th, 2023


Version 0.4.2 Released

  • Changes to new server connection to allow for missing Capability Statement
  • More resources added

~ April 21st, 2023


Version 0.3.9 Released

  • 12 more FHIR Resources added

~ January 19th, 2023


Version 0.3.7 Released

  • 15 more FHIR Resources added

~ December 30th, 2022