Connect to your Oystehr FHIR Server

Oystehr uses OAuth authentication. Configuring the Oystehr server to allow Vanya to access it is very simple. Click on the “Add New Server” button on Vanya’s home page.

Add new server

In the Server Details popup dialog, give the new server a name: “Oystehr”. Copy the base URL for the Oystehr FHIR server into the URL input box:

Oystehr server settings

Next, get the Id and Secret for your ZapEHR application and copy them into the Client Id and Client Secret inputs on the OAuth authentication tab. Set the Token Endpoint to and the Grant Type to client_credentials. Add an extra parameter to the bottom of the page for “audience” with a value of “”.

Oystehr OAuth settings

Save the changes to exit the dialog, then click Connect next to the Oystehr server name. If a failure message appears, go back and look at all the values you’ve entered, and refer back to your Oystehr client values to ensure everything is correct.