Server Groups
Most of us work across different environments and the FHIR servers we work with reflect this. It’s not uncommon for developers and others to have separate environments such as:
- Development
- QA
- Staging
- Production
- Demos
Vanya provides an ability to group servers into one or more pre-defined server groups. This makes it easy to quickly access serves in a particular group. Production servers when you need to trouble shoot an issue for a client, demo servers when you’re presenting a demo to a potential client or to the business.
Server Groups can be configured by clicking the “Manage Server Groups” button at the bottom of the Home screen of Vanya. This opens a page where you can add, edit or delete groups. Once you have all your groups set up, you can assign servers to a particular group by opening the Server Details dialog for each server and selecting which groups they belong to from the drop down list. Here’s what a typical set of server groups might look like.